Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Edgar's Birthday

     Edgar Boregard sat on the edge of his bed. He stared at the four blank walls whilst tapping his food impatiently. What or rather who he wanted was not there.
     "Now where is Pam," he said longingly. He didn't know where she could be. It was just past past 5:00 pm, and she still hadn't come to meet him.
     "Sir, are your ready for dinner," said the young orderly who just walked in.
     "No not yet, not without Pam," Edgar said.
     "Who is Pam?" The orderly asked.
     "She's my wife, we've been together for about forty years," Edgar said.
     "Well, if your wife's not here then she's probably in the dining room," the orderly said.
     "How would you know? Have you ever even met her?" Edgar asked.
     "Well not but--" the orderly said.
     "But what, you haven't met her, so how could you possible know who she is," Edgar said.
     "Listen, I'm sorry that you lost your wife, but if you want her back you're going to have to cooperate," the orderly said.
     "You're a tough one, aren't ya, you remind of myself, when I was your age," Edgar Said. The young man smiled at the old mans words.
     "Thank you sir, and don't worry I know what being married is like, I just got married a few months ago," the orderly said as he lightly brushed his fingers along the ring that encircled his finger.

     "Well that's very nice to hear, I am very happy for you young sir," Edgar Said.
     "Thank you, I'm very happy myself," the orderly said.

     "What's your wife's name," Edgar said.
     "My wife's name is Pamela," the orderly said.

     "That's my wife's name too," Edgar said.

     "Well that's very interesting," the orderly responded.

     "Well we better get going if we want to find her," Edgar said.

     "Yeah, did she say where she wanted to meet you?" The orderly said.

     "Yeah, she said she wanted to meet me by the twin towers," Edgar said.
     "Really, what for?"The orderly asked.

     "Well I'm not supposed to know she told me it was a surprise, but I know what it is," Edgar said.

     "What's the surprise?" The orderly asked.
     "Well it's eleventh, my birthday, and I think she's throwing me a surprise party," Edgar said.
     "Oh, that's very nice of her, I'll take you over there right away," the orderly said. The two of them walked downstairs. When they got to the bottom floor they were stopped by the head of Ebonezer's Assisted Living Facility.
     "So where are you off to Edgar," the man asked.
     "We're off to the golf course to hit a few balls," Edgar said.
     "Well you better be back in time for supper, and remember it's bingo night," he informed Edgar. Edgar nodded to the man, and waved as he walked away.
     Edgar walked into the parking lot with the orderly. The parking lot was small because most people sold there cars before going to the home. They stepped up to the car that Edgar had fortunately convinced his family to let him have. They both got into the car, and shut the door.
     "Don't worry Edgar I'll drive," said the orderly.
     "Thank you very much, by the way I never got your name," said Edgar.
     "My name's actually Edgar," he said.
     "Really, that's very interesting my name's also Edgar," said Edgar. "well let's go," Edgar said. They drove to the twin towers, and got out of the car, and walked to the place where they though the twin towers would be. There was only empty space. "Edgar I don't understand, where are they?" Asked Edgar. Edgar thought about where he was, then remembered. He fell to the ground, and began to cry softly.  "Don't you know my wife never met me, she died on my birthday almost ten years ago," Edgar said. "Then why did we come here?" Edgar asked. "Because I forgot, like I have forgotten so many times," Edgar said. "Young sir, do not ever put your wife in danger, always always keep her safe," Edgar said. "I'll always keep Pamela safe," Edgar said.



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